Miło jest nam poinformować, że Szymon Gromczyński uczeń klasy 4A otrzymał stypendium Prezesa Rady Ministrów. We wtorek 26 listopada 2024 r. w II Liceum Ogólnokształcącym w Białymstoku odbyła się uroczystość wręczenia dyplomów stypendystom Prezesa Rady Ministrów na rok szkolny 2024/2025. Serdecznie gratulujemy!
Miło jest nam poinformować, że drużyna z naszej szkoły w składzie: Julia Szulc, Julia Kowalewska oraz Amelia Szymanowska z klasy 3C1 zajęła II miejsce w konkursie "BizneSÓWKI", którego organizatorem jest Park Naukowo-Technologiczny w Suwałkach oraz Prezydent Miasta Suwałk. Opiekun młodzieży: Joanna Domuracka. Serdeczne gratulacje!
Miło jest nam poinformować, że Maciej Dyczewski zajął I miejsce, a Krzysztof Orchowski II miejsce w konkursie wiedzy o Sejmie, zorganizowanym z inicjatywy Posła na Sejm RP Pana Jacka Niedźwiedzkiego oraz Biura Komunikacji Społecznej Kancelarii Sejmu. Opiekun młodzieży: Konrad Wiśniewski
W dniu 16 września 2024r. obchodzimy Dzień Patrona III LO - prof. Alfreda Lityńskiego.
#ErasmusDays w Trzecim: 14 - 18 październik 2024 r.
11 października 2024 r. w auli III Liceum Ogólnokształcącego z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi w Suwałkach odbyły się miejskie Obchody Dnia Edukacji Narodowej. Nagrody uznaniowe za wytrwałą pracę otrzymało 48 nauczycieli i dyrektorów.
Wszystkich miłośników wykorzystania technik komputerowych do celów wizualizacji artystycznej zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w XXIII Międzyszkolnym Konkursie Grafiki Komputerowej "PLAMKA '25". Temat konkursu: "Piękno lasu" Organizatorzy: Joanna Domuracka, Jan Czerniecki



With the increasing use of Linux technology in business, the demand for qualified employees in this field is increasing. In response to the need for solid Linux skills, Cisco Networking Academy has provided a training module created by the Network Development Group (NDG) that allows students around the world to learn basic Linux knowledge. Adapted to the scope of knowledge required to obtain the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Certificate Linux Essentials, the NDG Linux Essentials course covers the basic knowledge of the Linux operating system with a special emphasis on the command line. In our academy, you can obtain the NDG Linux Essentials certificate. This certificate is comparable to the Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate. The course contains teaching materials, laboratories, and exams. Skills acquired during the course have a wide application when operating the network, software, and administration of the Linux system.

The NDG Linux Essential training is an introduction to the Linux system. It includes a framework education program, laboratory exercises and assessment of progress in the Linux environment, focusing on practical skills. The training implements a teaching approach based on the simultaneous practical use of the acquired theoretical knowledge. Each student has direct contact with a virtual machine with Linux, which allows learning and discovering the command line capabilities in Linux. Skills acquired during the training can be used in various career paths related to computer networks, software development, and Linux administration. The training ends with obtaining a certificate of completion of the training.

The course program prepares you for the LPI Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate.

Objectives of the course

Knowledge of the Linux system is an important skill in many different career paths in business and information technology. Numerous new and developing career perspectives in works related to big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, computer networks, programming, and software development require knowledge of the Linux command line.


Conditions for obtaining the Cisco IT Essentials certificate: NDG Linux

- passing final exam Final

- the exam includes material from chapters 1-9 and 10-16

- required point threshold - 80%

- mandatory survey (Feedback) - unrated

After passing the exams, students obtain a certificate of completion of the course, which allows you to take the LPI Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate.


The training program focuses on the following goals:

- getting to know the Linux system as an operating system,

- explanation of the most important issues when choosing an operating system,

- getting to know the basic information about open software,

- getting the basic knowledge about working with the Linux system,

- learning the basic skills of using the command line in Linux,

- learning to use the command line and navigate the help system in Linux,

- basics of working with files and directories in Linux,

- searching and obtaining data from files in Linux,

- general familiarization with the concept of scripts,

- familiarizing with the components of the computer desktop and servers,

- knowledge about where data is stored in Linux,

- setting important network settings for a computer running Linux in the local space,

- identifying different types of users in Linux,

- creating user accounts and groups on Linux,

- property rights and file access management in Linux,

- understanding the use of special files and directories on Linux.


Course modules

The training consists of 16 modules and includes knowledge about the Linux operating system and the command line. The aim of the training is to create a starting point for further learning of the Linux operating system. People who complete the training will understand the Linux system as an operating system, learn the main assumptions of open source software, learn how to use Linux and learn the basics of using the command line in Linux.

Module and Examination Goals

 Introduction to the Linux system: Development of the Linux system and popular operating systems. Selection of the operating system

 Application and licenses of open source software: Main applications of open-source software.  Understanding of open source software and open source licenses

 Using Linux Skills in ICT and working with Linux:  Command line skills Command line basics

 Using help Using the command line to get help: Working with files and folders

 Using directories and file lists, creating, moving and deleting files: Archiving and compressing files Archiving files using the command line

 Potok, streaks, and REGEX. Searching and obtaining data from files

 Basics of scripting Transforming commands into scripts:  Understanding computer hardware Understanding computer hardware

 Managing packages and processes Where data is stored: Network configuration. Your computer on the network

 System and user security. Security basics and identification of user types: Creating a new user account. Creating user accounts and groups

 Property and access rights. Management of ownership and file access:  Special access rights, links, and location of files. Special folders and files


 Instructor: Joanna Domuracka